Parts Search Criteria

The Parts Search Criteria page allows users to search for parts for a specified truck.

To access the Parts Search Criteria page:
  1. Click on the Search tab.

    Search Tab

  2. Make sure that the Parts tab on the left side is selected.Search Tab

  3. The Parts Search Criteria page will open.

Parts Search

To search for parts:

Note: Search parameters that are required are marked with a "*" are required. Providing optional parameters will help narrow the search results.

  1. Select the brand of the truck from the Brand combo box.

  2. Select the model from the Model Number list. If you know the model number you are searching for, you may type it directly into this field.

    Note: You may search across all models or within a single model only.

  3. Enter a serial number in the Serial Number field.

  4. Enter a full or partial part number in the Part No. field.

  5. Use the combo box next to the Part No. field to select a search parameter for the part number.


    The available search parameters are:

  6. Enter a part description in the Part Description field.

  7. Use the combo box next to the Part Description field to select a search parameter for the part description.

  8. Enter a group number or group name in the Group No. / Group Name field.

  9. Use the combo box next to the Group No. / Group Name field to select a search parameter for the group number or group name.

  10. Enter a media number in the Media Number field.

  11. Click the Search button.

    The results of the search will appear on the bottom half of the Parts Search Criteria page.

    Search results

  12. A list of models that the part was found on will appear to the left of the search results. Select a single model to view results from this list.

    Note: If your selected truck appears within the list, it will automatically be selected when the results are displayed for the first time.

Refer to the Parts List topic for a list and definition of all the icons that may appear in the search results.